The following article is an excerpt written by Dr. Daniel Pénoël who is a world-renown essential oil expert.
The vast majority of the different hormonal secretions are under the control of the pituitary gland, which is located inside your brain. But the truth is even more complex! In reality, the secretions of your pituitary gland are themselves under the control of the releasing factors secreted by your hypothalamus, which is above your pituitary gland. The hypothalamus is like the general, giving his orders to the captain "pituitary gland,” and itself transmits its orders to the soldiers (the various endocrine glands in the organism). | |
But, what is even more important to grasp is the fact that the hypothalamus itself is strongly influenced by the brain itself. And when I say "the brain," I am more focusing on the emotional side than on the thinking side.
The limbic system is at the center of the emotional life and, as you probably already know, the limbic system is tightly connected to our olfactory perceptions, which is a strong link that appears with volatile aromatic molecules that act directly on the olfactory sense. In our modern civilization, there are in particular two major factors that intervene and play a major role in the occurrence of the different endocrine disturbances.
One factor is the deleterious hormonal effect exerted by many chemical substances that the chemical industry manufactures and releases in the environment. The other main factor is directly connected to the deleterious effects resulting from the excess of negative stress that constitutes a major aggression in our daily civilized life.
Regarding negative stress (the one that blocks you, (i.e. you can neither fight nor flight) essential oils offer you extraordinary opportunities to decrease its deleterious effects compared to many pharmaceutical molecules that create, very quickly, a state of dependence that becomes very difficult to escape from later on.
Citrus essential oils such as lemon, orange or grapefruit are highly regarded for their universal relaxing impact on the psyche through the olfactory perception. Whenever you need to be stimulated, then you can turn to Améo Peppermint (inhale and put one drop into your healthy beverage).
Améo Organic Spruce Essential Oil is renowned for its supportive action upon the adrenal glands. The easiest way is to put two or three drops on the back of your right hand and then quickly apply it on the area on the right adrenal gland, and you do the same with two or three drops on the back of your left hand and apply it on the left adrenal area (this area is located where you feel the last ribs). This gesture should be done either after your morning shower, or before going to bed. You do it one every two day, for a two to three weeks period.
PLEASE NOTE: The information shared in this article is not intended to replace your doctor or your therapist!
The limbic system is at the center of the emotional life and, as you probably already know, the limbic system is tightly connected to our olfactory perceptions, which is a strong link that appears with volatile aromatic molecules that act directly on the olfactory sense. In our modern civilization, there are in particular two major factors that intervene and play a major role in the occurrence of the different endocrine disturbances.
One factor is the deleterious hormonal effect exerted by many chemical substances that the chemical industry manufactures and releases in the environment. The other main factor is directly connected to the deleterious effects resulting from the excess of negative stress that constitutes a major aggression in our daily civilized life.
Regarding negative stress (the one that blocks you, (i.e. you can neither fight nor flight) essential oils offer you extraordinary opportunities to decrease its deleterious effects compared to many pharmaceutical molecules that create, very quickly, a state of dependence that becomes very difficult to escape from later on.
Citrus essential oils such as lemon, orange or grapefruit are highly regarded for their universal relaxing impact on the psyche through the olfactory perception. Whenever you need to be stimulated, then you can turn to Améo Peppermint (inhale and put one drop into your healthy beverage).
Améo Organic Spruce Essential Oil is renowned for its supportive action upon the adrenal glands. The easiest way is to put two or three drops on the back of your right hand and then quickly apply it on the area on the right adrenal gland, and you do the same with two or three drops on the back of your left hand and apply it on the left adrenal area (this area is located where you feel the last ribs). This gesture should be done either after your morning shower, or before going to bed. You do it one every two day, for a two to three weeks period.
PLEASE NOTE: The information shared in this article is not intended to replace your doctor or your therapist!
With the Améo Basic 9 Essential Oils...

With the Améo Basic 9 Essential Oils you have access to the Améo 4 single essential oils like True Lavender, Frankincense, Lemon, and to the blend called Pure Tranquility that you can very easily implement as olfactory stress reducing factors by inhaling them on a regular basis, and also diluted in a carrier oil (such as fractionated coconut oil) for a relaxing back massage. To learn more about essential oils and clinical-grade Ameo oils click here.